Psychology & Others - Accelerated Sciences

Abnormal Psychology

PSY302 Abnormal Psychology Course Description This course will focus on what it means to be abnormal and what classifies different abnormal disorders. It will include biological, psychological, and sociocultural theories explaining how biology, psychology, and social factors play a huge role in understanding these disorders. Causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatment modalities will also be covered. […]


BIO340 Biopsychology Course Description This course will examine the development and function of the brain. It will assess various sensory systems, and how neural processes inform the human experience through sleep, sex, emotion, hunger, and other aspects of consciousness. An assessment of the causes of brain damage and various psychiatric disorders will also be reviewed. […]

Human Nutrition

NUTR204 Human Nutrition Course Description In this course, students learn about the six classes of nutrients, and their general roles in the human body. This course includes the concept of food as fuel, the estimation of energy based on the quantity of macronutrients, essential nutrients, and nutrition research. It provides students with the educational requirements […]

Psychology I

PSY102 Psychology I Course Description Examines basic psychological concepts, such as the nervous system, memory, intelligence and development along with Freudian, humanistic, social, cognitive, and trait theories. Presents an introduction to the issues, methods, and descriptions of psychology. Discusses individual and social problems of everyday life through the viewpoints and methods of modern scientific psychology. […]

Psychology II

PSY202 Psychology II Course Description This developmental psychology course will focus on the lifespan perspective and theories of human development from infancy, early childhood to adolescence. Classes will focus on prenatal development, birth and physical development, cognitive development, and socioemotional development throughout the lifespan. Critical thinking skills will be important to the understanding of the […]